In-Ha Sung
Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You welcome me as a guest, anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will
pursue me all the days of my life; - [NLT] Psalms 23:4-6 |
91001 Engineering Building, 133 Ojeong-dong, Daedeok-gu, Daejeon 306-791, Korea
Brief Personal Records
Professional Activities
Teaching Courses
Research Interests
Research Experiences
Grants, Honors and Awards
List of Publications
1. International Journal
1. Dong-Hwan Hwang, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Sang-Jo Lee, Effects of Material Pair Properties on the Frictional Behavior of Metals, Wear, 1999, Vol.225-229, pp.600-614. [SCI] [Abstract]
2. Dae-Eun Kim, Kum-Hwan Cha, In-Ha Sung, Design of Surface Micro-structures for Friction Control in Micro-systems Applications, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2002, Vol.51, No.1, pp.495-498 (STC S - Surface). [SCIE] [Abstract]
3. Jae-Mo Lee, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Process Development of Precision Surface Micro-machining using Mechanical Abrasion and Chemical Etching, Microsystem Technologies, 2002, Vol.8, No.6, pp.419-426. [SCI] [Abstract]
4. In-Ha Sung, Hyung-Suk Lee, Dae-Eun Kim, Prediction of Asperity Contact Condition Using FFT-Based Analysis for Micro-grooved Surface Design in Tribological Application, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2003, Vol.36, No.7, pp.939-945. [SCI] [Abstract]
5. In-Ha Sung, Hyung-Suk Lee, Dae-Eun Kim, Effect of Surface Topography on the Frictional Behavior at Micro/Nano-scale, Wear, 2003, Vol.254, No.10, pp.1019-1031. [SCI] [Abstract]
6. In-Ha Sung, Ji-Chul Yang, Dae-Eun Kim, Bo-Sung Shin, Micro/Nano-tribological Characteristics of Self-Assembled Monolayer and Its Application in Nano-Structure Fabrication, Wear, 2003, Vol.255, No.7-12, pp.808-818. [SCI] [Abstract]
7. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Fabrication of Micro/Nano-patterns using MC-SPL (Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography) Process, International Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering (currently; International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing), 2003, Vol.4, No.5, pp.22-26. (Invited paper) [SCIE] [Abstract]
8. Young-Tae Kim, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Electrical Impedance Change due to Contamination at the Contact Interface of Connectors for Automobile Crankshaft Position Sensor, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2004, Vol.5, No.2, pp.46-52. [SCIE] [Abstract]
9. Young-Tae Kim, In-Ha Sung, Jin-San Kim, Dae-Eun Kim, Effects of Contact Conditions on the Connector Electrical Resistance of Direct Current Circuits, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2004, Vol.5, No.3, pp.5-10. [SCIE] [Abstract]
10. Nam-Kook Baek, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Frictional Resistance Characteristics of Capsule Inside the Intestine for Micro-endoscope Design, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H : Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2004, Vol.218, No.3, pp.193-201. [SCI] [Abstract]
11. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Surface Damage Characteristics of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols on Metal Surfaces, Tribology Letters, 2004, Vol.17, No.4, pp.835-844. [SCI] [Abstract]
12. Dae-Eun Kim, In-Ha Sung, Jae-Mo Lee, Mechano-chemical Process for Flexible Surface Micro-machining, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2004, Vol.33, No.4. [Abstract]
13. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Nanoscale Patterning by Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography, Applied Surface Science, 2005, Vol.239, No.2, pp.209-221. [SCI] [Abstract]
14. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on the Nanowear Characteristics of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2005, Vol.81, No.1, pp.109-114. [SCI] [Abstract]
15. Jin-San Kim, In-Ha Sung, Young-Tae Kim, Eun-Young Kwon, Dae-Eun Kim, Yong Hoon Jang, Experimental Investigation of Frictional and Viscoelastic Properties of Intestine for Microendoscope Application, Tribology Letters, 2006, Vol.22, No.2, pp.143-149. [SCI] [Abstract]
16. Sergey N. Medyanik, In-Ha Sung, Wing Kam Liu, Robert W. Carpick, Predictions and Observations of Multiple Slip Modes in Atomic-scale Friction, Physical Review Letters, 2006, Vol.97, No.13, Art. No.136106. [SCI] [Abstract]
17. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Study on Nanoscale Abrasive Interaction between Nanoprobe and Self-Assembled Molecular Surface for Probe-Based Nanolithography Process, Ultramicroscopy, 2007, Vol.1-7, pp.1-7. [SCI] [Abstract]
18. Jin-San Kim, In-Ha Sung, Young-Tae Kim, Dae-Eun Kim, Yong Hoon Jang, Analytical Model Development for the Prediction of the Frictional Resistance of a Capsule Endoscope Inside an Intestine, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part H : Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 2007, Vol.221, No.8, pp.837-845. [SCI] [Abstract]
19. Cheol-Woo Park, Kye-Si Kwon, Wook-Bae Kim, Byung-Kwon Min, Sung-Jun Park, In-Ha Sung, Young Sik Yoon, Kyung-Soo Lee, Jong-Hang Lee and Jongwon Seok, Energy Consumption Reduction Technology in Manufacturing – A Selective Review of Policies, Standards, and Research, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2009, Vol.10, No.5, pp.151-173. [SCIE]
20. In-Ha Sung, Hung-Gu Han, Hosung Kong, Nanomechanical characteristics at an ultra-small particle-surface contact interface, The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2010, Vol.24, No.1, pp.107-110. [SCIE]
21. In-Ha Sung, Robert W. Carpick, Generality of Atomic Stick-slip Friction : Transitions under Ambient Conditions for Arbitrary Tips, In preparation.
2. Korean Journal
1. In-Ha Sung, In-Wan Yeo, Dae-Eun Kim, Tribological Characteristics of Fiber-reinforced Plastics(FRP), Journal of the KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 1996, Vol.12, No.1, pp.6-14.
2. Dong-Hwan Hwang, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, The Effects of Relative Material Properties on the Friction and Wear Behavior of Pure Metals, Journal of the KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 1998, Vol.14, No.2, pp.10-20.
3. Yong-Shik Park, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Stiction and AE Characteristics of Hard Disk Drive under Various Environmental Conditions, Journal of the KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 2001, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1-9.
4. Dae-Eun Kim, In-Ha Sung, Koo-Hyun Chung, Nanotribology – Prospects and Applications in Ultra-precision Micro-systems, Journal of the KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), 2002, Vol.19, No.1, pp.33-42. (Special Article)
5. Ji-Chul Yang, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Characteristics of Friction and Wear of Metals under Vapor Phase Lubrication, Journal of the KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 2002, Vol.18, No.2, pp.109-116.
6. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Fabrication of Micro/Nano-patterns using MC-SPL (Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography) Process, Journal of the KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), 2002, Vol.19, No.11, pp.228-233.
7. Jin-San Kim, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Fabrication of Micro-fluidic Channels using a Flexible and Rapid Surface Micro-machining Technique, Journal of the KSMTE(Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers), 2002, Vol.11, No.4, pp.97-101.
8. Mi-Seok Park, Jin-San Kim, In-Ha Sung , Dae-Eun Kim, Bo-Sung Shin, Novel Fabrication Process for Micro-Fluidic Channels and the Effect of the Surface States on the Fluid Flow, Journal of the KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), 2004, Vol.21, No.1, pp.87-93.
9. In-Ha Sung, Load and Stiffness Dependence of Atomistic Sliding Friction, Journal of the KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 2007, Vol.23, No.1, pp.9-13.
10. In-Ha Sung, Hung-Gu Han, Hosung Kong, Study on the Frictional Characteristics of Micro-particles for Tribological Application, Journal of the KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 2009, Vol.25, No.2, pp.81-85.
11. In-Ha Sung, On the Relationship between Material Removal and Interfacial Properties at Particulate Abrasive Machining Process, Journal of the KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), 2009, Vol.25, No.6, pp.404-408.
3. International Conference
1. Dae-Eun Kim, Dong-Hwan Hwang, In-Ha Sung, Sang-Jo Lee, Effects of Material Pair Properties and Sliding History on Friction and Wear Behavior of Metals, World Tribology Congress, Sept. 8-12, 1997, pp. 131, London, United Kingdom. (oral presentation)
2. Dong-Hwan Hwang, In-Ha Sung,, Dae-Eun Kim, Sang-Jo Lee, Effects of material pair properties on the frictional behavior of metals, Wear of Materials (WOM), 1999, pp.600-614, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (oral presentation)
3. Jae-Mo Lee, Won-Hyeog Jin, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Selective Removal of Resist on Silicon by Scribing for Micro-Fabrication, Proceedings of the ITC (International Tribology Conference), Oct.29-Nov.2, 2000, pp.450, Nagasaki, Japan. (poster presentation)
4. In-Ha Sung, Hyung-Suk Lee, Dae-Eun Kim, Influence of Surface Properties on Micro/Nano-Scale Tribological Behavior of Silicon, Proceedings of the 32nd ISR (International Symposium on Robotics), Apr.19-21, 2001, pp.1921-1925, Seoul, Korea. (oral presentation)
5. In-Ha Sung, Hyung-Suk Lee, Dae-Eun Kim, Effect of Surface Topography on the Frictional Behavior at Micro/Nano-scale, Proceedings of the 3rd International Colloquium on Micro-Tribology, Aug.28-30, 2001, Jastarnia, Poland. (oral presentation)
6. In-Ha Sung, Hyung-Suk Lee, Jae-Mo Lee, Dae-Eun Kim, Investigation of Tip-workpiece Interaction for Precision Surface Fabrication, Proceedings of the 4th ISAAT (International Symposium on Advances in Abrasive Technology), Nov.6-9, 2001, pp.185-192, Seoul, Korea. (oral presentation)
7. Dae-Eun Kim, Kum-Hwan Cha, In-Ha Sung, Design of Surface Micro-structures for Friction Control in Micro-systems Applications, The 52nd CIRP General Assembly, Aug.18-24, 2002, San Sebastian, Spain. (oral presentation)
8. Dae-Eun Kim, In-Ha Sung, Jae-Mo Lee, Mechano-chemical Process for Flexible Surface Micro-machining, Proceedings of the 35th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, May 13-15, 2002, pp.496-499, Seoul, Korea. (oral presentation)
9. Dae-Eun Kim, Koo-Hyun Chung, In-Ha Sung, Fundamental Investigation of Micro-wear Using AFM: Characteristics and Implications, Proceedings of the IWM(International Workshop on Micro-tribology), Apr.16-19, 2002, pp.32, Ishigaki Island, Japan. (oral presentation)
10. In-Ha Sung, Hyung-Suk Lee, Dae-Eun Kim, Application of FFT-Based Analysis to Contact Condition Prediction for Tribological Surface Design, Proceedings of the 2nd ASIA International Conference on Tribology, Oct.21-24, 2002, pp.255-256, Jeju Island, Korea. (oral presentation)
11. Hong-Chul Lee, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Tribological Study for Development of Accelerated Wear Testing Method under Lubrication, Proceedings of the 2nd ASIA International Conference on Tribology, Oct.21-24, 2002, pp.225-226, Jeju Island, Korea. (poster presentation, Excellent Poster Award)
12. Nam-Kook Baek, In-Ha Sung, Jin-San Kim, Dae-Eun Kim, Investigation of Endoscope Capsule Design on the Frictional Resistance inside the Intestine, Proceedings of the 2nd ASIA International Conference on Tribology, Oct.21-24, 2002, pp.367-368, Jeju Island, Korea. (oral presentation)
13. In-Ha Sung, Ji-Chul Yang, Dae-Eun Kim, Bo-Sung Shin, Micro/Nano-tribological Characteristics of Self-Assembled Monolayer and Its Application in Nano-Structure Fabrication, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on WEAR OF MATERIALS, Mar.30-Apr.3, 2003, No.O40, Washington, USA (oral presentation)
14. Dae-Eun Kim, In-Ha Sung, Won-Seok Chang, Bo-Sung Shin, Applications of Probe Based Methods for Nanolithography, Proceedings of Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Nanoengineering 2003, pp.89-95, Nov.27-28, 2003, Daejeon, Korea (Invited talk)
15. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Mi-Seok Park, Won-Seok Chang, Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography: A Simple, Reliable and High-Speed Nanolithography Technology for Post-Photolithography Era, International Symposium on Nano-Manufacturing (ISNM) 2004, Nov.3-5, 2004, pp.146-148, Daejeon, Korea. (oral presentation)
16. Jin-San Kim, Young-Tae Kim, In-Ha Sung, Eun-Young Kwon, Dae-Eun Kim, Byung-Kyu Kim, Biotribological Characteristics of Capsule-type Endoscope, International Nanotribology Forum- NanoSikkim II : Friction and Biotribology, Nov.8-12, 2004, Pelling, Sikkim, India. (oral presentation)
17. In-Ha Sung, Mi-Seok Park, Dae-Eun Kim, Nanoscale Abrasive Interaction and Its Application in Nanofabrication, 1st International Conference on Advanced Tribology 2004 (iCAT 2004), Dec.1-3, 2004, O-045, pp.B-21, Singapore. (oral presentation)
18. Young-Tae Kim, Jin-San Kim, In-Ha Sung, Eun-Young Kwon, Dae-Eun Kim, Byung-Kyu Kim, Frictional Behavior of Capsule-type Endoscope and Self-propelling Colonoscope Inside the Intestine, International Tribology Conference (ITC) 2005, May 29 - June 2, 2005, pp.294 (P77), Kobe, Japan. (poster presentation)
19. In-Ha Sung, Rachel J. Cannara, Robert W. Carpick, Atomic-scale Stick-slip Friction on Graphite: The Effect of Stiffness and Tip Material, 65th Annual Physical Electronics Conference, June 20-22, 2005, P6, Wisconsin, USA. (poster presentation)
20. In-Ha Sung, Sang-Bum Jo, Hyun-Joon Kim, Koo-Hyun Chung, Dae-Eun Kim, Process Considerations for Optimization of Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography (MC-SPL), 3rd International Symposium on Nano-Manufacturing (ISNM), Nov.3-5, 2005, TAA3, Cyprus. (oral presentation)
21. In-Ha Sung, Rachel J. Cannara, Robert W. Carpick, Transitions in Atomic-scale Stick-slip Friction Behavior on Graphite due to System Stiffness, 2005 MRS (Material Research Society) Fall meeting, Nov.28-Dec.2, 2005, pp.966, Boston, USA. (oral presentation)
22. Robert W. Carpick, In-Ha Sung, Rachel J. Cannara, David S. Grierson, Anirudha V. Sumant, Physical Basis of Friction Phenomena for Carbon-based Systems, 2007 30th Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society, Feb.18-21, 2007, Tampa, Florida, USA. (Invited talk)
23. In-Ha Sung, Hung-Gu Han, Hosung Kong, Experimental Investigation of the Frictional Behaviors at Particle-Surface Interfaces in CMP Application Using an Atomic Force Microscope, Proceedings of CIST2008 & ITS-IFToMM2008, Sep.23-26, 2008, Beijing, China. (oral presentation)
24. In-Ha Sung, Hung-Gu Han, Hosung Kong, Friction-Stiffness Map of Various Semiconductor Material Surfaces in Contact with A Colloidal Particle, ICMDT2009 (International Conference on Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology), June 25-26, 2009, Jeju Island, Korea.
25. ASIATRIB 2010, Perth, Australia.
4. Korean Conference
1. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Experimental Study of Fundamental Friction and Wear Characteristics of Pure Metals, Proceedings of the KSME(Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers) 1996 Spring Annual Meeting A, Apr.19-20, 1996, pp.600-604, Busan, Korea. (oral presentation)
2. In-Ha Sung, Dong-Hwan Hwang, Dae-Eun Kim, Sang-Jo Lee, Effect of Motion History on the Sliding Contact of Metals in Dry Conditions, Proceedings of the KSME(Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers) 1997 Spring Annual Meeting A, Apr.19-20, 1997, pp.97-101, Gwangju, Korea. (oral presentation)
3. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Investigation of the Frictional Behavior with respect to Surface Geometry and Surface Material at Nanoscale, Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologist and Lubrication Engineers), June 7-8, 2001, pp.36-41, Daejeon, Korea. (oral presentation)
4. Dae-Eun Kim, In-Ha Sung, Koo-Hyun Chung, Nanotribology – Prospects and Applications in Ultra-precision Micro-systems, Proceedings of the Fall Conference of KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), Oct.25-26, 2001, pp.14, Suwon, Korea. (Special Session) (oral presentation)
5. In-Ha Sung, Hyung-Suk Lee, Dae-Eun Kim, Prediction of Frictional behavior according to Geometrical Contact Condition using FFT-based Analysis, Proceedings of the 34th Conference of KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologist and Lubrication Engineers), Nov.29-30, 2001, pp.13-18, Suwon, Korea. (oral presentation)
6. Jin-San Kim, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Fabrication of Micro-fluidic Channels using a Flexible and Rapid Surface Micro-machining Technique, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSMTE(Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers), Apr.26-27, 2002, pp.603-607, Masan, Korea. (oral presentation)
7. In-Ha Sung, Jin-San Kim, Dae-Eun Kim, Non-lithographic Micro-structure Fabrication Technology and Its Application, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), May 17-18, 2002, pp.956-959, Daejeon, Korea. (Best Paper Award in poster presentation)
8. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Surface Damage Characteristics of Self-Assembled Monolayer and Its Application in Metal Nano-structure Fabrication, Proceedings of the 35th Conference of KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologist and Lubrication Engineers), May 16-17, 2002, pp.40-44, Pusan, Korea. (oral presentation)
9. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Mechano-Chemical Microfabrication Technology Based on Micro/Nano-tribology : Development Process and Prospect, Proceedings of the Fall Conference of KSMTE(Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers), Oct.11-12, 2002, pp.274-279, Incheon, Korea. (oral presentation)
10. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Bo-Sung Shin, Nanoprobe-based Mechano-Chemical Scanning Probe Lithography Technology, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSME(Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers), Apr. 23-25, 2003, pp.1043-1047, Busan, Korea. (oral presentation)
11. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Won-Seok Chang, Mechano-Chemical High-Speed Nanopatterning Technology, Proceedings of the Conference of Production and Design Engineering Division of KSME(Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers), Nov. 21, 2003, pp.57-60, Cheongju, Korea. (oral presentation)
12. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Basic Understanding of Probe-based Nanolithography, Proceedings of the 6th Korean MicroElectroMechanical Systems (KMEMS) Conference, Apr. 8-10, 2004, pp.121-124, Jeju Island, Korea. (poster presentation)
13. In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Won-Seok Chang, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Atomistic Interactions in Nanometric Cutting, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), May 21-22, 2004, pp.563-566, Daegu, Korea. (oral presentation)
14. Mi-Seok Park, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Won-Seok Chang, A Study of the 3D Nano-structure Fabrication Using Mechano-Chemical Lithography, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), May 21-22, 2004, pp.567-570, Daegu, Korea. (oral presentation)
15. Young-Tae Kim, Eun-Young Kwon, In-Ha Sung, Dae-Eun Kim, Byung-Kyu Kim, Investigation of the Frictional Resistance of Locomotive Colonoscope, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSPE(Korean Society of Precision Engineering), May 21-22, 2004, pp.850-853, Daegu, Korea. (oral presentation)
16. In-Ha Sung, Robert W. Carpick, Investigation of Atomic-scale Friction Using Various Cantilevers/Tips on an Atomic Force Microscope, Proceedings of the 42th Conference of KSTLE(Korean Society of Tribologist and Lubrication Engineers), June 15-16, 2006, pp.76-79, Daegu, Korea. (oral presentation)
17. In-Ha Sung, Hung-Gu Han, Hosung Kong, Nanomechanical characteristics of the sliding contact between a microparticle and a surface, Proceedings of the 47th Conference of KSTLE, Nov.28, 2008, pp.27-29, Seoul, Korea. (oral presentation)
18. In-Ha Sung, Study of the Friction Force for Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Applications, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSPE, Nov.12-14, 2008, pp.295-296, Daejeon, Korea.
19. In-Ha Sung, Experimental Study of the Tribological Properties at CMP(Chemical-Mechanical Planarization) process for Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of KSME, May15, 2009, pp.485-486, Daejeon, Korea.
20. In-Ha Sung, Hung-Gu Han, Hosung Kong, Study on the Frictional Characteristics at a Particle-Workpiece Contact in Abrasive Grinding, Proceedings of the 49th Conference of KSTLE, Nov.20, 2009, pp. Seoul, Korea.
21. Proceedings of the 50th Conference of KSTLE,
1. Registered Patents
1. The case for noise reduction of hard disk drive using the resonance characteristics of the plate with multi-holes, Korea Patent No. 0267573, July 5, 2000.
2. The case for noise reduction and heat emission of hard disk drive, Korea Patent No. 0267574, July 5, 2000.
3. Sound Muffling and Heat-Discharging Case for Computer Storage Device, United States Patent No. 6,243,262 B1, June 5, 2001.
4. The case with a cooling system for hard disk drive, Korea Patent No. 0309270, Sept. 5, 2001.
5. The micro-tribotester built in a Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) for in-situ monitoring of the contact interface during the tribotest, Korea Patent No. 0384701, May 7, 2003.
6. The method for the measurements of 3-dimensional surface topography and local difference of the surface material properties, Korea Patent No. 0416440, Jan. 14, 2004.
7. The media for multi-digit data recording and its read/write mechanism, Korea Patent No. 0420384, Feb 16, 2004.
8. The tester for the friction measurement of artificial device inside the internal organs and biomaterials, Korea Patent No. 2002-0028581, Aug. 31, 2004.
2. Patent Pending
1. Position control device for the capsule-type endoscope and its operating mechanism, No. 2002-0081935, Dec, 12, 2002, Korea.
Personal Reference
o Prof. Dae-Eun Kim
o Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University
o Phone : +82-2-2123-2822, Fax : +82-2-312-2159
o Dr. Hosung Kong
o Tribology Research Center, Korean Institute of Science and Technology
o Phone : +82-2-958-5655
o Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania
o Phone : +1-215-898-4608
March 2010, In-Ha Sung.